After you enroll at Optimus Learning school, you will receive a username and password that will give you access to your account on our website.
After you log into your Optimus account, you will have access to your schedule. Here you will see detailed information about your classes. In the class description you will be able to view your class meeting identification and password. Here is a guide to help you navigate our MY OLS online system.
We at Optimus want all our online students to know that they will receive the same support and guidance. If at any time you are experiencing technical difficulties or need assistance, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at (714) 990-9902 and we will be happy to help you!
Depending on the class that you are enrolled in, students will receive materials via our online system. The instructor will inform students on the first day of class how they will access their materials.
Open the online application and enter your class meeting identification and password. Please make sure to correctly display your name so that the instructor is able to admit you to the virtual classroom. Enjoy the online class!