While the newly adopted Common Core State Standards have not necessarily made math more difficult, these methods can be tricky because they involve a different style of instruction that incorporates new ways of approaching the problems with critical thinking skills. Ultimately, this will improve the student’s skills on many levels, but this also makes it particularly hard for parents who have learned traditional methods to help their children with Common Core math homework. For this reason, all of the Homework Club and Math Club teachers have received special training in how to teach Common Core math, and we provide ongoing professional development to make sure we are staying current in the best practices.
1st-6th Grade Math Club (School Curriculum)
We cover the technical skills needed to evaluate math questions using the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The difficulty increases as we introduce new kinds of numbers and notations. In addition to teaching the students how to perform more complex operations in class and working through examples from previous homework, we correct misconceptions and improve their comprehension of the material continuously.
1st-6th Grade Math Club (Word Problems)
We work on textual mathematics questions that employ technical skills and problem solving strategies. We will work with probability, geometric figures, and finding unknown values. Word problems are analyzed in class, and students are taught how to interpret text and convert it into mathematical equations that they are already familiar with solving. They are taught to use a process that makes sense out of each question and breaks them up into easier steps.
7th-8th Math Class
At this level, we focus on the fundamentals of algebraic relationships of equations, inequalities, graphs, and functions. Courses include Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry. Students will use algebraic operations to find solutions and, later, how to impose algebraic concepts on more complex questions. This will allow them to learn a more logical approach to problem solving.
2 hours / week: $160 / month
Tentative Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 pm
2 hours / week: $180 / month
Tentative Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Math Kangaroo
More than 40 countries around the world participate in this logic-based mathematics competition for students in grades 1 through 12. Participants have 75 minutes to complete up to 30 multiple choice questions with a maximum score of 150 points.
Math Counts
MATHCOUNTS is a national program for middle school students that gauges their mathematical abilities and involves them in enrichment, coaching, and competition. Students can compete individually or as part of a team in an environment that stimulates mathematical success. People who do well in MATHCOUNTS do well on the SAT.
Orange County Math Field Day
This is a day-long event sponsored by the Orange County Math Council to promote excellence in mathematics, teamwork, goal achievement, and school spirit.
AMC stands for American Math Competition. The AMC 8 is an exam consisting of 25 multiple choice questions, varying in duration from 40 to 75 minutes based on difficulty. It is designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills as well as to distinguish exceptional students.
2 hours / week: $160 / month
Tentative Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm
2 hours / week: $180 / month
Tentative Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 4:30 - 5:30 pm